Philippines, November 2022
December 2022
PhilinCon Conservation Christmas Party
PhilinCon Conservation Christmas Party
RIDGE: The activity started with the eco hike and simple gift-giving to some of the kids and adults in Tabay, Pandan, one of the adopted commuties of the NGO. Bringing little joy to the people who stewards their direct environment connects us deeper with them thus, sustains out efforts for conservation in the area. We have to keep on teaching our children to keep on loving the earth and humanity. There is so much light, hope and love there. Tabay, thank you always for your warm reception.
REEF: followed in the evening by the organizations’ christmas party at the Inigman beach at barangay Patria, Pandan. The rangers with the rest of the Darwin project personnel, PhilinCon members and stakeholders, and some guests participated in the event.

September 2021
New Solar Power Panels
In September 2021 our Research Station is now energized more than ever, with 900Wh we now have enough power for lights, cellphones, laptops and flashlights 24/7. Thank you to DENR Penro, Antique, Park Rangers, Porters and many more!

Media, Movies & Press
Nice articles in german language were published: pdf-download: newspaper articles in RUBIN
Javie and his friend Stance, a filmographer made a brilliant movie about the Rangers and the Rainforest.
And some gardening and biology action and knowlegde from our Partner Stadt Park Garten on from march 2021:
UK & Philippines, November 2021
Great news: in the study of the estimation of the Tarictic Hornbill Population we found: There is (yet) plenty!
Check out more publications here
2021 and 2022, Philippines
We released Wildlife
We released 5 Brahminy Kites and one Changable Hawk Eagle in June 2021. In November we released more Brahminy Kites, 2 Serpant Eagels and 1 Honey Buzzard back to the wild. In December we released the 2 Monkeys and other Brahminy Kites (Heliastur indus). Right now we have 1 B. Kite at Mag-Aba rescue center, and at Sibaliw Station 2 Tarictics. In January 2022 we released the Dulungan Horbill.
Rebecca was writing on the 5th of November: “Yesterday, PhilinCon released two bhraminy kites and two serpent eagles back to the wild. These raptors were sheltered by the Rescue and Rehab Facilities of the NGO. With us, is Manong Macario Melchor, the caretakers, Dr. Rebecca Tandug, Dr. Generosa Cosmilla Condez , Rhea Santillan and Michele R. Placio. Also with us, assisting are the two rangers Gab and Edgar.

Philippines, August & September 2021
Beach Cleanup
Germany & Philippines, March 2021
New species found: 3 praying Mantises
Check out more new species and our publications.
March, 2021, Philippines

We looked for a Communications Officer
We were looking for a Communication Development Officer (Philippines).
The Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation and the People, Inc. has worked for more than two decades in the field of research and conservation of the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park, one of our island’s last lowland rainforests with several endangered endemic species that crucially needs protection. We prefer applicants who wish to do partly voluntary works for nature conservation, a tree hugger, and one who understands the ecological value of the forests and the marine life.
Duties & Responsibilities:
– in charge of campaigns, publicity, social marketing
– handle PhilinCon’s social media and online communications
– assist in data gathering, documentation, and other clerical works.
– provide reports to the PhilinCon team in Germany.
– Graduate of any 4-year Bachelor’s Course
– Knowledge of environmental science/conservation
– Experience with NGO work/Proposal writing is an advantage.
– A resident of Pandan, Antique is highly preferred.
– Has good computer skills
– Proficient in English
To apply for the position, kindly send the following to before 26 March 2021:
1. Letter of Intent addressed to:
Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation and the People, Inc.
Leocadio Alonsagay Dioso Memorial Public Library, Brgy. Baybay, Pandan, Antique
2. Detailed CV, detailing qualifications
Indicate Application for PhilinCon ComDev Application_March 2021 in the subject line of the email.
Philippines & Germany, February 2021
Third Corona-fundraiser: rainforest from increased burnings and poaching!
We created a third fundraiser campaign to protect the wildlife and rainforest.
We raised 300€.
We need your help! Please support our rangers patrolling the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park on Panay Island! The poaching and burning of rainforest increased drastically due to Corona and its consequences in the Philippines, and is very high now! At the moment the rangers are only being paid a little (only the wages of 6 of the 16 rangers) by our Partner Bristol Zoo. Please help us pay their wages & allowances, so they can do their job: please pay for food and fuel, so the rangers can patrol more than once a week and destroy the traps of poachers. You can decide how many times the rangers can patrol the forest.
We are also looking for longterm partners, paying the rangers for some months- if you know any potential partners – we would be very greatful! #stopppoaching #giveus20 #helpourrangers
Donate on our website via paypal, creditcard & transaction or on StartNext via creditcard and other payments.

Philippines, February 2021
New Movie
The beautiful rainforest of Panay Island is under threat – but the guardians of the forest – the PhilinCon rainforest rangers – are on the watch.
This film takes you on a journey trough the rainforest along the PhilinCon forest rangers. Come and experience the exitement, danger and the fascination of the jungle. Showing the natural beauty of wildlife and plants in the rainforest of the Northwest Panay Penninsula Natural Park, on Panay, Western Visayas, Philippines.
Film and trailer made by the filmmaker Stance Mitchell @mitchell artworks
December 2020
Patrons & Gifts
Finally! We created adoptions! Now you can symbolically adopt our beautiful animals in the rescue centers. That is a great gift idea as well! You get a certificate and a rewarding thank-yous.

Philippines, October 2020
Tribute Hike
If you wonder how the rainforest looks like, watch our Movie: Movie about the Rainforest, the Station and the Rangers:
Germany, September 2020
Our beloved Professor E. Curio died
The Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation (PhilinCon) team and the civil society community in the Philippines and Germany mourn the passing of Prof. Dr. Eberhard Curio on 11 September 2020 in Bochum, Germany.
Prof. Curio has spent most of his life conducting biological research work in Southern Macedonia (1958), Spain (1960), Galapagos (1962-1963), Jamaica (1969), Panama (1979), Tonga (1990), Fiji (1990-1991), and in the Philippines where he conducted the remainder of his scientific work starting in 1993.
He taught at Ruhr University Bochum (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) in Germany and became a visiting professor at the University of the Philippines. Prof. Curio has been instrumental in pioneering conservation work and research in the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park for more than 20 years.
His work resulted in the protection of several endangered species such as the Walden’s Hornbill (Rhabdotorrhinus waldeni) and the discovery of the Panay Monitor Lizard (Varanus mabitang) in cooperation with herpotologist Dr. Maren Gaulke and Filipino co-worker, N. Paulino and of several new species of flora and fauna in Panay Island, Philippines. He is credited in more than 90 scientific publications and had 140 projects.
He was the Founder, Scientific Adviser, and President of PhilinCon, which started as the Philippine Endemic Species Conservation Project (PESCP) in 1995 with support from the Frankfurt Zoological Society. The creation of PESCP laid down the work to preserve the remaining lowland rainforests in the Visayas region.
Since 1998, he was a member of the IUCN Survival Service Commission and its Re-introduction Specialist Group. In May 2003, the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, United Kingdom awarded him the title “Scientist of the Year”. The same organization awarded him “International Educator of the Year Award”.
Around the same year, he was declared an “adopted son” of Brgy. Centro Norte, Pandan, Antique through a resolution.
He is best remembered as a dear colleague, a friend of the people of Pandan, Antique, and a person with a firm belief in the preservation of our natural heritage.
We will forever remember the legacy of Prof. Curio and will continue to pursue the work that he started for the future of our last natural frontiers and for the future generations to come.
Statement Released: 18 September 2020
Until October 15th, this sad message reached via facebook 39.700 people, and was shared 186 and times. Until April 2021 this message reached 41,500 people and had 4,800 engagements. He died after issues with stroke and stroke medication and lung infection.
Thank you very much – Prof. Curio, for everything you have done for nature.
Philippines, September 2020
Second Corona-fundraiser: rainforest from increased burnings and poaching!
We created a second fundraiser campaign to protect the wildlife and rainforest. This campaign is still on-going, until November and we want your help.
We raised 250€.
We need your help! Please support our rangers patrolling the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park on Panay Island! The poaching and burning of rainforest increased drastically due to Corona and its consequences in the Philippines, and is very high now! At the moment the rangers are only being paid a little (only the wages of 6 of the 16 rangers) by our Partner Bristol Zoo. Please help us pay their wages & allowances, so they can do their job: please pay for food and fuel, so the rangers can patrol more than once a week and destroy the traps of poachers. You can decide how many times the rangers can patrol the forest.
We are also looking for longterm partners, paying the rangers for some months- if you know any potential partners – we would be very greatful! #stopppoaching #giveus20 #helpourrangers
Donate on our website via paypal, creditcard & transaction or on StartNext via creditcard and other payments.

Germany, September 2020
Cooperation with Stadt – Park – Garten: Lectures & Planting
We are Planting! And we educate about Biodiversity, Botanics and the Wildlife – in Bochum, Germany. The theoretics and application to the real world.
“Ab dem 20. September vertiefen wir im VHS Kurs gemeinsam verschiedenen Experten*innen und euch, die Grundlagen der Biodiversität + sorgen mit Pflanzaktionen im Bochumer Stadtpark für üppiges Wachstum & Futter für Insekten! Mit Fledermausexkursion!”
Germany, Bochum, July 2020
Newspaper Rubin
After studying biology, Christian Schwarz began research in the Philippines. He has remained attached to the country until today: He works as a project manager for the nature conservation organization Philincon.
Article in german about Christian:
Download the full lot about PhilinCon in the RUBIN with really nice pictures here

Philippines, March 2020

Corona-fundraiser: protect Wildlife from increased poaching!
We created a fundraiser campaign to protect the wildlife. We collected 321€ which funded the needed ranger operations and some ranger-equipment.
“We need your help! Please support our rangers patrolling the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park on Panay Island! The poaching increased drastically due to Corona / Covid-19 in the Philippines, and is higher than never before! Please help us pay their allowances, so they can do their job: please pay for food and fuel, so the rangers can patrol more than once a week and destroy the traps of poachers.
If just 100 People give us 10€ we will be able to finance a patrol every 3-4 days and new, urgendly needed boots and backpacks. Donate on our website via paypal & transaction“
Philippines, 29. February 2020
New Colleague
We are happy to welcome our new employee for internal communication and education: Javie Barcinal. He is a founder of the NGO Dulungan Youth, a journalist, and photographer.
We are always looking for volunteers from around the world. Please send us an email to or

Philippines, 24. December 2019

Typhoon Ursula: 24.12.19
A typhoon has made landfall over the Philippines at Christmas. Especially affected was the island of Panay, where PhilinCon’s employees live. Luckily, none of them got injured, but the typhoon caused significant destruction, which is now being removed by our Forest Rangers.

Germany, 16. Oktober. 2019

Loren Legarda: guest at the Ruhr-University Bochum
A Philippine delegation led by Senator Loren Legarda, Vice-speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives, visited the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) on 15 October 2019. After a talk given by Senator Legarda, the RUB and the delegation signed a mutual agreement to promote exchange in teaching and research.
Official press release (only in German):
Germany, 14. Oktober. 2019
Article about Helga Schulze and her commitment to PhilinCon
Helga Schulze was a scientific illustrator at the Ruhr-University Bochum, runs a wildlife sanctuary for Loris (nocturnal primates), and has been committed to the preservation of the Philippine rainforest for over 20 years. An article about her work as a scientific illustrator and ongoing work for PhilinCon can be found here (only in German):

Philippines, 16. Oktober 2019
Installation of billbords of the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park
With the help of PhilinCon, billboards about the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park were installed at Malumpati Cold Spring in Pandan, Philippines.
Many thanks to Helga Schulze for the design and illustration.
Also, special thanks to Pandan’s Mayor John Sanchez, Bong Venus for approving the location and to Pandan MPS headed by Bryan Alamo for the transportation.

Philippines, 29. September 2019
Tree planting at Mangrove Reforestation Area
In a day event members of PhilinCon joined the tree planting at the Mangrove reforestation area. Other participants of this event included the CSO, DENR, FPO, Mag-aba High School, PNVHS, Sanggunuang Kabataan, and Mulumpati Eco group.

Germany, 11. April 2019
Beauties of the Rainforest
Article of Ruhr-University Bochum
As inhabitant of the rainforest this tree frog needs a high percipitation rate and an intact ecosystem.
Official press release (only in German):

Germany, 08. August 2018

Students of Ruhr-Universität Bochum support the organization PhilinCon
Student volunteers from PhilinCon, located at the Ruhr-University Bochum, are looking for donors to protect the rainforests and animals in the Philippines.
Official press release (only in German):
Philippines, Boracay, 1. October 2012
DENR & PhilinCon confiscate Hornbill
Caged in a mini zoo as tourist attraction, a resort owner on Boracay, surrendered the bird after weeks of negotiation.
The colorful Writhed-Billed Hornbill (or Walden Hornbill) has been considered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is listed as critically endangered. It is already considered extinct in the island provinces of Negros while it is believed that only few remains in Panay Island.
Official press release & Copyright:

Philippines & Germany, August 2011
Television Report
The beautiful rainforest of Panay Island and the Dulungan Hornbill is under threat – but PhilinCon does our best to protect it. As NPO we rely on donations and sponsorships – please donate and help the rainforest!
Report made by TFC, The Filipino Community Worldwide
Check it out here:
Philippines, Sibaliw Station, 2007
Movie about the Hornbills
Official press release in german:

Germany, Bochum, 21. September 2001

Prof. Curio is awarded with the EU Biodiversity Chair
Since 1993 Prof. Curio was doing research in the Philippines: the Biodiversity is per sqaure metre the highest throughout the whole world but at the same time the most thretened.
Official press release in german: