Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation
We protect the Rainforest of Panay`s Peninsula since 1995
“our vision is to create a sustainable future – WE PREServe the biodiversity and environment of the Philippine rainforest for future generations”

Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation
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Webpage - latest update 2023
This Website is at the moment without a page-contributor and is thus not up to date. For recent information please visit our Facebook page https://fb.me/philincon.org/
| Our Projects |

Rainforest Rangers
We employ rangers to monitor the forest for illegal activities such as poaching and logging. The rangers play a very big part in protecting the rainforest - the rare giant trees and extinction prone animals like the Visayan Warty Pig and the Walden's Hornbill.

rescue centers
We operate three rescue centers in Northwest Panay, where confiscated poached birds and other injured animals are cared for until they are healthy. When our care is no longer necessary, they are released back into the wild.

Guarding of Nests
We hire locals as nest guards to protect the nests of birds from poachers who would sell the chicks and adult birds for profit. Poachers additionally reduce indirectly the birds’ populations - they destroy the nests. Birds like the Philippine Walden's Hornbill are important for the preservation of the local fauna, since they are seed dispersers.

Research & Education
The focus of our research is the conservation of endangered species to ensure their occurrence in the wild. Also, we educate children in schools and show them the threatend biodiversity of Panay's rainforests.

We have seedling nurseries with over 25,000 seedlings of native trees to be planted at the edge of the forests to win back space for the forest. Also, we try to reconnect forest areas that have been disconnected by logging.

alternative Livelihood
We offer alternative lifestyles to people who would have to rely on illegal activities to support their families. There are several ongoing projects, like poultry breeding, sloping agriculture or fruit, and timber tree nursing.

Our beautiful, partly primary rainforest needs protection from poachers and illegal loggers: Rainforests are very important for our climate. Rainforests create space for almost half of all animals and plants of the planet.
| Become Active |

Donate - our Ranger need every year new equipment and salary, our animals under care need food. Be their hero! With a tax refundible receipt for germany and other countries.

Become our supporter - with a supporting membership. Soon you can dowload here our support-form. Please fill it out, and hand it to us - support our work longlasting. Of course you can cancel anytime.

Become a PATRON
Adopt - Become the patron of your favorite animal for 6 months, 12 months or two years, or make a great present for your loved ones.

Donate - our Ranger need every year new equipment and salary, our animals under care need food. Be their hero! With a tax refundible receipt for germany and other countries.
PhilinCon Conservation Christmas Party - A Ridge to Reef Eco Party
The Story: From Rigde to Reef
New Medias / Movies
Delikado – Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBukNEVFy4c 3-minute trailer from Sydney Film Festival
https://fb.watch/ihvREGS5hA/ – 3-minute Trailer for the MusicFest – a Show about about Rangers
https://fb.watch/ihvWR9u7Ny/ Visayan Warty Pig – 10 second video – We have now a new project/cooperation with the bristol zoological society – they got funded by the darwin foundation to learn more about the hunting reasons in the forest – the hunting drivers of warty pigs
new movies also here: NPPNaturalPark
A beautiful short clip about the rainforest, animals and ranger protecting it.
The full documentary about the Northwest Panay Rainforest and the rangers – about 37 minutes long.
The threatened Jewels
The lowland primary rainforest – commonly known as “the typical rainforest” – is the habitat of various highly endangered species. These species include frogs, reptiles, birds, mammals, and invertebrates like insects and molluscs. Philippine rainforests like the one located in the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park (NPPNP) in the Western Visayas have the highest biodiversity per unit area in the world. Due to the occurring endangered species, the biodiversity of the NPPNP has one of the highest conservation priorities of the world, both in terms of the number of endangered flora and fauna per unit area and in terms of threats.