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| conservation Raffle 2021 |

19. March 2021 WINNERs drew their favorite Prizes from Wagon from the Fridays for Future Climate Strike Day
22. April 2021 WINNER from April: Marianna
22. May 2021 WINNER from May: Arne (main Prize) & Rico (second Prize) UK 🇬🇧 WINNER: Charlie
We hosted a raffle and quiz on April 22nd and May 22nd 2021 to raise money for the continuation of the fundamental anti-poaching efforts by supporting our Rescue Stations and our amazing PhilinCon Rangers. Our rangers work tirelessly to track poachers, remove snares and other poaching weapons and prevent the beautiful Panay rainforest fauna and flora from being exploited 🌺🦜 We have generously been gifted items from Mayersche and Tintenfass, Jungle Leaves and others to be given out as raffle prizes 🎁
🇩🇪 Prizes for March, April and May were: 🇩🇪
- A 25€ Plant Voucher from Jungle Leaves
- A Coffee togo cup and
- Happy Books and
- Candles from Mayersche
- Notebooks from Tintenfass
- Snacks and
- A Tea mug and
- more from PhilinCon
Facebook video of drawing of the winner from 22. May 2021
| conservation Raffle 2023 |
the dates of our next Raffles will be announced but from now on
you can join the drawing by following these steps:
To enter our raffle:
• donate £2/€2 per ticket via PayPal to donate@philincon.org or below or via bank transfer
• state your name + contact details + write raffle on reference/comment line
You can buy multiple tickets! Watch our Instagram and our Facebook page and take part in our Quiz and the live drawing of prizes!
19. March WINNERs drew their favorite Prizes from Wagon
22. April WINNER from April: Marianna
22. May 2021 WINNER from May: Arne (main Prize) & Rico (second Prize) UK 🇬🇧 WINNER: Charlie
5. September | Int. Day of Charity | Sunday | RAFFLE 1 |
4. October | World Habitat Day | Monday | RAFFLE 2 |
5. November | World Tsunami Awareness Day | Friday | RAFFLE 3 |
We hosted a raffle and quiz on April 22nd and May 22nd 2021 to raise money for the continuation of the fundamental anti-poaching efforts by supporting our Rescue Stations and our amazing PhilinCon Rangers. Our rangers work tirelessly to track poachers, remove snares and other poaching weapons and prevent the beautiful Panay rainforest fauna and flora from being exploited 🌺🦜 We have generously been gifted items from Mayersche and Tintenfass, Jungle Leaves and others to be given out as raffle prizes 🎁
To enter our raffle:
• donate £2/€2 via PayPal to donate@philincon.org or below or via bank transfer
• state your name + contact details + write raffle on reference/comment line
Buy multiple tickets! First winners will be announced on April 22nd but keep those entries coming in and our second draw will take place on May 22nd. Watch our Instagram and our Facebook page on April and May 22nd 2021 in the afternoon to take part in our Quiz and the live drawing of prizes! British prizes announced later.
🇩🇪 Prizes for March, April and May were: 🇩🇪
- A 25€ Plant Voucher from Jungle Leaves
- A Coffee togo cup and
- Happy Books and
- Candles from Mayersche
- Notebooks from Tintenfass
- Snacks and
- A Tea mug and
- more from PhilinCon
| Participate in Raffle |
Simply donate now £2/€2 via PayPal to donate@philincon.org or below or via bank transfer. State your name, your contact details and write raffle on reference/comment line. Buy multiple tickets!
Via Bank Transaction
Account holder:
Stiftung Vogelforschung und Artenschutz
DE74 4305 0001 0033 4266 10
Sparkasse Bochum, Germany
Until 19.th of May or send us your screenshot of successful transfer before the Raffle
The german foundation is the logistic supporter and partner of PhilinCon. The projects are planned and financed together.
Via Paypal

[give_form id=”4979″]
Beautiful Rainforests
The lowland primary rainforest – commonly known as the “typical” rainforest – is the habitat of various highly endangered species. These species include frogs, reptiles, birds, mammals, and invertebrates like insects & molluscs. Philippine rainforests like the one located in the Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park (NPPNP) in the Western Visayas have the highest biodiversity per unit area in the world. Due to the occurring endangered species, the biodiversity of the NPPNP has one of the highest conservation priorities of the world, both in terms of the number of endangered flora and fauna per unit area and in terms of threats.
However, poaching and illegal clearings/deforestations threaten its existence. For this reason, PhilinCon helps to save the rainforest and its fauna in a number of ways for many years now. This of course involves ongoing expenses, including the basic costs for operating the rescue station, animal foods, medicine, as well as personnel costs. To cover these costs, it particularly requires your help.
Other Information
Donate for Equip. & Trees

Equipment, Patrols & Plant a Tree
donate or buy needed equipment for our ranger & animals – per item or operation [coming soon]

They say: "Thank you for your support!"

Be a Volunteer – do important work, get to know nice people, learn to do things you want to do, on your personal time schedule.
Check out more info
Write us an email: info@philincon.org
Spread the Word
Rainforests should be loved and protected!