This is a sideline activity that complements the management activities on-site. It is driven by genuine interest in the biology of threatened species to improve management conditions in the wild, and to understand the constraints imposed on survival in the wild. Moreover, it is motivated by the sheer desire to understand the functions of a complex ecosystem in a tropical setting of an archipelago that ranks first in the world in terms of biodiversity per unit surface area.
This is a sideline activity that complements the management activities on the ground. It is driven by the genuine interest in the biology of threatened species to improve management conditions in the wild and to understand the constraints imposed on survival in the wild. Moreover, it is motivated by the sheer desire to understand the functioning of a complex ecosystem in a tropical setting of an archipelago that ranks first in the world in terms of biodiversity per unit surface area.
| our aim |
We have research of two kinds:
- Conservation related research, like applied research since conservation is a science of crisis &
- Basic research
In a recently concluded project, hornbills were monitored upon release by radio telemetry to find out how well they do in the wild compared to conspecifics that have never been in captivity. Another goal is to understand their role, and those of other fruit-eaters, in the seed dispersal of forest trees, 60% of which are dependent on animals for seed dispersal.
Another topic we pursue are invasive species like the Marine or Cane Toad (Rhinella marina), which have an unknown impact on the native soil fauna that badly needs to be studied. These are just a few examples of our conservation related research projects.
In their daily work, curious naturalists encounter numerous problems that await exploration, including ecology, evolution, and systematics. This is especially true for regions where many vertebrates and even more invertebrates are barely known or not even discovered yet. As a consequence, there is not enough knowledge to promote their conservation.
| Our Activities |
To promote conservation, the biology of endangered species and their relationships within the ecosystem they inhabit must be known. For this reason, conservation and research go hand in hand. Nonetheless, we know enough about the species of conservation concern to do good conservation work, like to adopt sound management policies to remove threatened species from the brink of extinction.
| project duration |
This depends on the species, the scope of the problem at hand, and – most importantly – on a sustained and sufficient funding that must not curtail the practical conservation work in any way.