Christian J. Schwarz
C. J. Schwarz
Biologist &
| General Manager PhilinCon |

Christian Schwarz
PhilinCon Head Office
L. A. Dioso Public Library Building
Brgy. Baybay
Pandan, Antique 5712
E-mail: Christian.Schwarz[at]
German address:
Ruhr-University Bochum
Postbox NC 46
Universitätsstrasse 150
44801 Bochum

Christian J. Schwarz is PhilinCon’s general manager on Panay since 2014. His first achievements were the re-organization of the Station supplies and an efficiency check of outdated workflows. He also raised funds in a time where funding was not on par with the project’s needs, a situation which still persists today.
Christian has long-term experience in the tropics, and has already been familiar with the project and localities from earlier scientific work and conservation projects. He had applied for the job because of his profound knowledge of Panay’s species and their ecology, and his years-long experience with Philippine culture. Aside from his job as PhilinCon’s general manager, the skilled hobby photographer works on his PhD thesis on the invasive cane toad, and on the systematics and ecology of praying mantids (Mantodea) in the Philippines and elsewhere.
Peer Reviewed
Meyer C. F. J., Schwarz C. J. & Fahr J. (2004): Activity patterns and habitat preferences of insectivorous bats in a West African forest-savanna mosaic (Ivory Coast). Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 397-407.
Helmkampf M., Schwarz C. J. & Beck J. (2007): A first look at the biodiversity of praying mantids (Insecta: Mantodea) in Sabah, Borneo. Sepilok Bulletin 7: 1-13.
Schwarz C. J. & Helmkampf M. (2014): A remarkable new species of Mythomantis Giglio-Tos, 1916 from northern Borneo, with comments on the systematics of Deroplatyinae Westwood, 1889 (Mantodea: Mantidae). Zootaxa 3797: 120-129.
Schwarz C. J. & Konopik O. (2014): An annotated checklist of the praying mantises (Mantodea) of Borneo, including the results of the 2008 scientific expedition to Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary, Sarawak. Zootaxa 3797: 130-168.
Roy R. & Schwarz C. J. (2014): Nouvelles données sur le genre Afrothespis Roy, 2006 (Dictyoptera, Mantodea). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 119: 473-480.
Schwarz C. J. (2015): Parymenopus davisoni Wood-Mason synonym of Helvia cardinalis Stål (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 8: 49-52.
Schmidt-Rhaesa A. & Schwarz C. J. (2016): Nematomorpha from the Philippines, with description of two new species. Zootaxa 4158: 246-260.
Schwarz C. J., Keller M. & Berger D. (2017): Neues zur Gottesanbeterin, Mantis religiosa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mantodea, Mantidae), dem Insekt des Jahres 2017. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 61: 1-18.
Schwarz C. J. (2017): Update on Tagalomantis manillensis (Saussure), with description of the female and comments on its systematic placement and life history (Insecta: Mantodea: Deroplatyinae). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 10: 19-39.
Schwarz C. J. & Shcherbakov E.: Revision of Hestiasulini stat. rev. (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae) of Borneo, with description of new taxa and comments on the taxonomy of the tribe. Zootaxa, 4291: 243-274.
Schwarz C. J. & Ehrmann R. (2017): A new genus and species of bark mantis from Thailand (Insecta: Mantodea), with an updated key to the bark mantis genera of the Oriental region (Insecta: Mantodea). Zootaxa 4291: 581-587.
Zieliński D., Schwarz C. J. & Ehrmann R. (2018): Evaluation of the expansion of Mantis religiosa L. in Poland based on a questionnaire survey. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41: 275-280.
Schwarz C. J., Ehrmann R. & Shcherbakov E. (2017): A new genus and species of praying mantis (Insecta, Mantodea, Mantidae) from Indochina, with a key to Mantidae of South-East Asia. Zootaxa 4472: 581-593.
Schwarz C. J., Ehrmann R., Borer M. & Monnerat C. (2018): Mantodea (Insecta) of Nepal: corrections and annotations to the checklist. Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VI: 201-247
Schwarz C. J. & Roy R. (2018): Some taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in Mantodea (Dictyoptera). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 123: 451-460
Schwarz C. J. & Ehrmann R. (2019): Invasive Mantodea species in Europe. Articulata 33: 73-90
Schwarz C. J. & Roy R. (2019): The systematics of Mantodea revisited: an updated classification incorporating multiple data sources (Insecta: Dictyoptera). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N. S.) 55: 101-196
Schwarz C. J. (2021): Three new praying mantises from Panay Island, Philippines (Insecta: Mantodea). Integrative Systematics: Stuttgart Contributions to Natural History, 3(1) 35-56. DOI: 10.18476/insy.v03.a2 . [Link]
Berg M., Schwarz C. J. & Mehl J. E. (2011): Die Gottesanbeterin, Mantis religiosa. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei 656, Westarp Wissenschaften, Hohenwarsleben, 521 pp.
Popular Science
Schwarz C. J. (2004): Popa spurca spurca Stål 1856 – eine bemerkenswerte Gottesanbeterin aus Westafrika (Mantodea: Mantidae, Vatinae). Arthropoda 12: 12-20.
Schwarz C. J., Mehl J. E. & Sommerhalder J. (2006): Die Teufelsblume, Idolomantis diabolica (Saussure, 1869) – Teil 1. Terraria 1: 63-70.
Schwarz C. J., Mehl J. E. & Sommerhalder J. (2007): Die Teufelsblume, Idolomantis diabolica (Saussure, 1869) – Teil 2. Terraria 2: 62-69.
Schwarz C. J., Mehl J. E. & Sommerhalder J. (2009a): Idolomantis diabolica (Saussure, 1869) The Devil’s Flower – Part One. E & A Invertebrates Magazine 8: 2-6.
Schwarz C. J., Mehl J. E. & Sommerhalder J. (2009b): Idolomantis diabolica (Saussure, 1869) The Devil’s Flower – Part Two. E & A Invertebrates Magazine 8: 3-9.
Schwarz C. J. (2014): Anspruchsvolle Zwerge – Die Tarnkünstler der Gattung Haania. Bugs 6: 24-29.
Schwarz C. J. (2016a): Gottesanbeterinnen – Grundlegendes zur Terrarienhaltung. Reptilia 120: 24-33.
Schwarz C. J. (2016b): Blütenmantis wechsel dich – Zur Bestimmungsproblematik von Gottesanbeterinnen am Beispiel der philippinischen Art Creobroter meleagris. Reptilia 120: 38-41.
Schwarz C. J. & Materna S. (2018): Asiatische Gottesanbeterinnen – Eine Übersicht. Reptilia 134: 18-23
Schwarz C. J. (2018a): Von Asthockern und Rindenläufern. Reptilia 134: 24-29
Schwarz C. J. (2018b): Extravagante Schönheiten – die Gattung Metallyticus im Terrarium. Reptilia 134: 30-34